Granted by the United States, unto the said THE GULF CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, the track of land, with the appurtenances thereof, unto the said The Gulf Cemetery Association and to its successors and assigns, forever; subject to reversion “To the United States should the land or any part thereof be sold or cease be used for the purpose” in said act provided. The patent was signed on the 17th of June, 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson.
The land purchased was 40 acres in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 3, Township 2 South, Range 20 West of the Tallahassee Meridian, Florida, now County Road 393 South.
Occupation During World War II
The cemetery had become practically extinct since World War II due to occupation by the U.S. Army who took over Hwy 393 and placed an observation balloon at the Gulf end. Hwy 393 because became impassable to cars due to it’s condition which forced funerals to detour nine miles, there and return, through the brush and timber to reach the cemetery.
Non-Profit Management
Gulf Cemetery Association was organized as a non-profit organization governed by five directors with the authority to establish the governing Rules and Regulations of the cemetery. The first directors were: M.L. Butler, W.H. Butler, George Gibbons, H.T. Lavermour, and John Erickson.
Gulf Cemetery Association, Inc. was registered with the State of Florida as a Non-Profit Corporation on June 18th, 2007 and established a governing body of a seven member Board of Directors.
The Gulf Cemetery is a Non-Profit association and managed with non-paid volunteers. Only with the sale of lots and donations by you and your heirs can we continue to give our cemetery the quality care it deserves. DONATIONS should be made to Gulf Cemetery Association, Inc. and mailed to PO Box 1746, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459.