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Wreaths Across
America 2023

Burial Sites Are Available

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Are burial sites still available to purchase?

How many people are interred in the cemetery?

Is Historic Gulf Cemetery a military cemetery?

What is the oldest gravesite in the cemetery?

Are there any Civil War Veterans buried in the cemetery?

I see white wooden crosses placed in various spots around the cemetery. What are they for?

What’s the big deal about water in urns and vases?

I see white poles with red, white and blue stripes at the top of them and American flags on some of the gravesites. What do they signify?

Can I bury or scatter ashes (cremains) in the cemetery?

There is a slab at the base of the flagpole in the center of the cemetery. The engraving on it indicates it is dedicated to the unknown military veterans buried in the cemetery. Is someone buried under the slab?

Is the cemetery listed in the National Register of Historic Places?

Does the cemetery allow ‘natural’ burials?

Does the cemetery allow mausoleums?

Is it OK to place flowers on my loved one’s gravesite?

Last May I noticed some large black beachballs hanging from several of the trees in the cemetery. What’s that all about?